Non-Parent Groups and Information

Parental status is irrelevant to being a VHEMT Volunteer, since the distinction that really matters is the decision to produce no more of us. However, Volunteers who have decided to remain childfree may find contact with others who have made the same choice to be reassuring and fun.


The Childfree Life
“A helpful resource for anyone interested in the childfree life! . . . news of childfree interest . . . childfree friendly films, books, magazine and newspaper articles, learn about hundreds of famous childfree people in history . . . intriguing quotations, enjoy some chilfree humor, visit some interesting organized links, and much more!”

Childfree by
“We are a group of adults who all share at least one common desire: we do not wish to have children of our own.” Resources, discussion forum.

Childfree Facebook group

Childfree Resource Network
Extensive links to childfree and population websites and essays.

Childfree Webring
Over 40 sites related to being childfree

Child-Free Zone why more people are choosing NOT to be parents
By Susan J, and David L. Moore of Sydney, Australia. Child-free Zone also an organization to promote non parenthood. Links, discussion list.

Childless by Choice Project
A source of information. For example, why couples choose to not breed:
The Top Six Motives are:
1) I love our life, our relationship, as it is, and having a child won’t enhance it.
2) I value freedom and independence.
3) I do not want to take on the responsibility of raising a child.
4) I have no desire to have a child, no maternal/paternal instinct.
5) I want to accomplish/experience things in life that would be difficult to do if I was a parent.
6) I want to focus my time and energy on my own interests, needs, or goals.

Childless by Choice Burb
To join this Burb, “You must have an online journal. You must update (at least monthly). You cannot have any children—biological or otherwise—either living with you, living with the custodial parent, or grown and moved out. Should you at some point in the future choose to have children, although I respect your right to change your mind, you will be removed from this list”

Kidfree and Lovin’ It
“The Complete Site for Living as a Happy Non-Pareent”

Moral Childfree
Argues that it’s immoral to sentence another human to a life which will consist of more suffering than pleasure. “‘Life is not fair’ is the slogan of many—procreators and childfree alike. Well, if life is such an unfair thing, why keep dragging innocents into it?”

No Kidding!
“(founded in 1984) is a non-profit social club for couples and singles who are not parents. We have chapters in several cities in Canada and the U.S.A. Web page includes a description of the club and its members, a mini-autobiography of its founder (a.k.a. “Founding Non-Father”), a relevant poem, stories from several childfree people, and links to related (though non-affiliated) organizations.” Jerry Steinberg.

Positively Childfree
“We are individuals who have something crucial in common: we have made the decision to not become parents. Of course, there are as many different reasons for this decision as there are people who frequent our friendly space on the Internet.” Resources, discussion forum.

Silver Snip Award. You may already be a winner!

World Childfree Association Incorporated
No longer active


Childfree Reflections
Living Childfree-by-Choice, with Marcia Drut-Davis. “My goal is to educate, support, and inspire honest communication about the choice not to parent.”
Confessions of a Childfree Woman: a life spent swimming against the mainstream 2013.

Why Women Choose Not to Have Kids
Temma Ehrenfeld
Oct 5, 2012
Although Alice’s husband is happy, his mother complains about “how sad she is she won’t have grandchildren while she’s still young and how she just can’t even believe that we wouldn’t want kids,” Alice says. Other people tell Alice it’s “a waste” of her nurturing talents not to have kids. Still, Alice is holding her own. “I just think they’re all brainwashed!,” she says.

My Mother’s Day Gift To The Planet: Not Having Kids
Chris Bolgiano
May 9, 2010

The Myth of Joyful Parenthood
The more kids cost, the more we idealize raising them
Valerie Ross
August 15, 2011

So Cute, So Hard on a Marriage
After Baby, Men and Women Are Unhappy in Different Ways; Pushing Pre-Emptive Steps
Andrea Petersen
April 28, 2011
Numerous studies have shown that a couples’ satisfaction with their marriage takes a nose dive after the first child is born. Sleepless nights and fights over whose turn it is to change diapers can leach the fun out of a relationship.

Pressured To Have Children?
Healthy & Green Living Editors
April 24, 2011
Direct and Subtle Pressure to Have Children—How Can a Childfree Wannabe Cope? Exploring all facets of childfree living.
Complete Without Kids Book By Ellen Walker, Ph.D.

The No-Baby Boom
A growing number of couples are choosing to live child-free. And you might be joining their ranks.
Brian Frazer
April 2011
“And the sheep-to-human ratio in New Zealand, which currently stands at 10 to 1, seems sure to increase, since a staggering 18 percent of adult men there have elected to get vasectomies.”
...of the more than 60 people Laura Scott interviewed for Two Is Enough (some as old as 66), not one expressed qualms about his or her decision. Actually, regret is more common among the breeders. In a 2003 survey of more than 20,000 parents that Dr. Phil conducted for his show, 40 percent reported that they wouldn’t have had kids if they’d realized the difficulties of raising a family.
In the US: 58,410,000 married couples and 26,896,000 childfree married couples [no year given for data]

2010: The year childfree went mainstream (thanks, Oprah!)
Lisa Hymas
December 30, 2010

Childfree Clique
A blog with comments.

Happily Childfree
A blog with links.